How to learn Japanese w/ Python

Takanori Suzuki

PyCon Taiwan logo

PyCon Taiwan 2024 / 2024 Sep 21

Agenda ✅

  • Background and Motivation / Goal

  • Japanese is Difficult

  • Python supports Japanese leaning

Background and Motivation 🏞️

Background and Motivation

  • Developing School Textbook Web at work

    • Japanese NLP to make it Easier to Learn

  • Python libs could help people Learn Japanese

Background and Motivation(cont.)

  • FSI language difficulty

  • Japanese is “super-hard languages” for English speakers to learn

    • Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and Arabic


  • What is difficult about Japanese

  • How to use Japanese NLP libs and APIs

  • Python could support learning Japanese

Photos 📷 Tweets 🐦 👍

#pycontw / @takanory

Slides 💻

Who am I? 👤

takanory profile kuro-chan and kuri-chan

PyCon JP 2024


  • Date: 2024 Sep 27(Fri)-29(Sun)

  • Place: Tokyo, Japan

  • There are English talks

PyCon JP 2024 logo

Questions 🙋‍♂️

Have you learned Japanese? 🙋‍♀️

Are you interested in Japanese? 🙋‍♂️

Would you like to visit Japan? 🙋‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️

PyCon JP 2024


  • Date: 2024 Sep 27(Fri)-29(Sun)

  • Place: Tokyo, Japan

  • There are English talks

PyCon JP 2024 logo

Japanese is Difficult 😫

  • 3 Types of Characters

  • No Spaces between Words

  • Multiple Readings of Kanji

3 Types of Characters















No Spaces between Words

すもももももももものうち su mo mo mo mo mo mo mo mo no u chi

No Spaces between Words



“Plums and peaches are part of peaches”

Multiple Readings of Kanji

  • : day, sun

  • Taiwanese pronounciation: ri(?)

Multiple Readings of Kanji

  • : day, sun

  • Japanese-style reading(訓読みkun yomi)

    • にち(nichi)、ひ(hi)

  • Chinese-style reading(音読みon yomi)

    • じつ(jitsu)、か(ka)

Multiple Readings of Kanji

  • Japanese-style reading: にち(nichi)、ひ(hi)

  • Chinese-style reading: じつ(jitsu)、か(ka)

  • How to read?

    • 日曜日 (Sunday)

    • 前日 (Previous day)

Multiple Readings of Kanji

nichiyobi (Sunday) / zenjitsu (Previous day)

  • Japanese-style reading: にち(nichi)、ひ(hi)

  • Chinese-style reading: じつ(jitsu)、か(ka)

Japanese is Difficult!! 😱

Python supports Japanese leaning

<ruby> HTML Tag 💎

What is Ruby ?

  • ルビruby characters are small annotation

  • Usually placed above the text

  • ref: Ruby character - Wikipedia

  • (Not a Programming Language)

<ruby> HTML Tag 💎

  • <ruby> represents small annotations

  • <rt> specifies the ruby text component

PyConPython Conference TWTaiwan 2024

<ruby>PyCon<rt>Python Conference</rt></ruby>

Indicate pronunciation with <ruby>

  • Alphabet annotation: Pronounciation

パイコンpa i ko n たいわんta i wa n (PyCon Taiwan)

<ruby>パイコン<rt>pa i ko n</rt></ruby>
<ruby>たいわん<rt>ta i wa n</rt></ruby>

Indicate pronunciation with <ruby>

  • Hiragana annotation: Readings

  • ふりがなfu ri ga na

パイコンぱいこん 台湾たいわん (PyCon Taiwan)


Understand <ruby> Tag 💡

Hiragana and Katakana (あ / ア)

hebi / へび / ヘビ

Hiragana and Katakana

  • Hiragana and Katakana are phonogram

  • 1 character represent a phoneme(speech sound)

    • Like a Japanese alphabet

  • Hiragana: あかさたなa ka sa ta na

  • Katakana: アカサタナa ka sa ta na

Hiragana and Katakana

  • Basically use Hiragana

    • たいわんta i wa n

  • Katakana is used for foreign words

    • パイコンpa i ko n (PyCon)

Romanization of Japanese (Romaji)

  • Alphabet to represent Japanese

  • Romaji is often used on Information Sign

Ikebukuro station

  • Learn Hiragana/Katakana using Romaji


  • jaconv: interconverter for Hiragana, Katakana, alphabet and etc.

$ python3.12 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) pip install jaconv
>>> import jaconv
>>> jaconv.kana2alphabet("たいわん")  # Hiragana -> alphabet
>>> jaconv.kata2alphabet("パイコン")  # Katakana -> alphabet

Add Romaji annotation

import sys
import jaconv

def kana2romaji(kana: str) -> str:
    """Convert Hiragana and Katakana to Romaji"""
    hiragana = jaconv.kata2hira(kana)
    return jaconv.kana2alphabet(hiragana)

def kana_with_romaji_ruby(kana: str) -> str:
    """Add romaji ruby to Kana text"""
    romaji = kana2romaji(kana)
    return f"<ruby>{kana}<rt>{romaji}</rt></ruby>"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Add Romaji annotation

(env) $ python パイコンたいわん


Can read Hiragana and Katakana 🎉

No Spaces between Words

すもももももももものうち su mo mo mo mo mo mo mo mo no u chi

No Spaces between Words

  • Japanese has no spaces between words

  • Use Dictionary to Recognise words

  • Japanese Morphological Analyzer library required

Japanese Morphological Analyzer

(env) $ pip install sudachipy sudachidict_core


  • Made with Rust, Very Fast

  • Three Types of Dictionaries

    • Small: small vocabulary

    • Core: basic vocabulary (default)

    • Full: miscellaneous proper nouns

Word Segmentation

  • Split the words using Dictionary

>>> from sudachipy import Dictionary
>>> tokenizer = Dictionary().create()
>>> text = "すもももももももものうち"
>>> for token in tokenizer.tokenize(text):
...     print(token)
  • Cannot read Hiragana?

Word Segmentation with Romaji

import sys
from sudachipy import Dictionary
from kana2roman import kana_with_romaji_ruby

tokenizer = Dictionary().create()

def word_segmentation(text: str) -> str:
    result = []
    for token in tokenizer.tokenize(text):
    return " / ".join(result)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Word Segmentation with Romaji

(env) $ python すもももももももものうち
<ruby>すもも<rt>sumomo</rt></ruby> / <ruby>も<rt>mo</rt></ruby> / <ruby>もも<rt>momo</rt></ruby> / <ruby>も<rt>mo</rt></ruby> / <ruby>もも<rt>momo</rt></ruby> / <ruby>の<rt>no</rt></ruby> / <ruby>うち<rt>uchi</rt></ruby>

すももsumomo / mo / ももmomo / mo / ももmomo / no / うちuchi

Can split into Words 🎊

Multiple Readings of Kanji

日曜日nichi you bi前日zen jitsu

Multiple Readings of Kanji

  • : day, sun

  • Japanese-style reading(訓読みkun yomi): にちni chi, hi

  • Chinese-style reading(音読みon yomi): じつji tsu, ka

Multiple Readings of Kanji

  • (Sunday): にちni chi ようyo u bi

  • (Previous day): ぜんze n じつji tsu


Multiple Readings of Kanji idioms

  • Same combination but different readings

  • 一日: first day, one day

    • 一日 目(Day 1)

    • 一月 一日(Jan 1st)

Multiple Readings of Kanji idioms

  • Same combination but different readings

  • 一日: first day, one day

    • 一日 目(Day 1): いちにちi chi ni chi me

    • 一月 一日(Jan 1st): いちがつi chi ga tsu ついたちtsu i ta chi

😱 😱

And there is more...

Special readings of Kanji idioms

  • (today)

  • (yesterday)

  • (tomorrow)

Special readings of Kanji idioms

  • (today): きょうkyo u

  • (yesterday): きのうki no u

  • (tomorrow): あしたa shi ta

🤯 🤯 🤯

Get Reading of Kanji

  • は一月一

  • Today is January 1st, Sunday

Get Reading of Kanji

  • Use SudachiPy and SudachiDict

  • reading_form(): Reading in Katakana

>>> from sudachipy import Dictionary
>>> tokenizer = Dictionary().create()
>>> text = "今日は一月一日で日曜日"
>>> for token in tokenizer.tokenize(text):
>>>     print(token, token.reading_form())
今日 キョウ
は ハ
一 イチ
月 ガツ
一日 ツイタチ
で デ
日曜日 ニチヨウビ

Get Reading of Kanji

  • Cannot read Katakana? Use jaconv!

>>> import jaconv
>>> for token in tokenizer.tokenize(text):
...     reading = token.reading_form()
...     hiragana = jaconv.kata2hira(reading)
...     romaji = jaconv.kata2alphabet(reading)
...     print(f"{token}, {reading}, {hiragana}, {romaji}")
今日, キョウ, きょう, kyou
は, ハ, は, ha
一, イチ, いち, ichi
月, ガツ, がつ, gatsu
一日, ツイタチ, ついたち, tsuitachi
で, デ, で, de
日曜日, ニチヨウビ, にちようび, nichiyoubi

Add Reading to Kanji

import sys
import jaconv
from sudachipy import Dictionary

tokenizer = Dictionary().create()

def add_reading(text: str) -> str:
    """Add Hiranaga ruby to text"""
    result = ""
    for token in tokenizer.tokenize(text):
        ruby = jaconv.kata2hira(token.reading_form())
        result += f"<ruby>{token}<rt>{ruby}</rt></ruby>\n"
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":

Add Reading to Kanji

今日きょう いち がつ 一日ついたち 日曜日にちようび

(env) $ python 今日は一月一日で日曜日

Add Reading to Kanji

import sys
import jaconv
from sudachipy import Dictionary

tokenizer = Dictionary().create()

def add_reading(text: str) -> str:
    """Add Romaji ruby to text"""
    result = ""
    for token in tokenizer.tokenize(text):
        # ruby = jaconv.kata2hira(token.reading_form())
        ruby = jaconv.kata2alphabet(token.reading_form())
        result += f"<ruby>{token}<rt>{ruby}</rt></ruby>\n"
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":

Add Reading to Kanji

今日kyou ha ichi gatsu 一日tsuitachi de 日曜日nichiyoubi

(env) $ python 今日は一月一日で日曜日

Can read Kanji 🥳

Can read but Cannnot Pronouce 🗣️

Readings and Pronounciations are slightly different

  • Readings: ou / ei

  • Pronounciaciton: oo / ee

  • 東京とうきょうtou kyou / 英語えいごei go

Text to Speech

(env) $ pip install boto3
(env) $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIAYI...
(env) $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ZoWbpmi...
(env) $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1

Text to Speech

import sys
import boto3

polly = boto3.client("polly")

def text_to_speech(text: str) -> None:
    result = polly.synthesize_speech(
        Text=text, OutputFormat="mp3", VoiceId="Mizuki")
    with open("japanese.mp3", "wb") as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Text to Speech

(env) $ python 東京、英語


Can pronounce Japanese 🥳🥳

Sample App

Demo App


  • Japanese is Difficult

    • 3 Charcters, No spaces, Kanji readings

  • Python supports Japanese learning

    • jaconv: Interconverter

    • SudachiPy: Morphological analyzer

    • Amazon Polly: Text to Speech

🇯🇵 ❤️

Learn Japanese with Python

Thank you 🙏 code

@takanory takanory takanory takanory

takanory profile kuro-chan and kuri-chan